Monday, February 25, 2008

The Beautiful Expanse of Nature

Though sometimes I may feel underwhelmed with nature and sometimes even life in general, there are times when I contemplate everything around me in pure awe. The perfection of a solitary lead hanging suspended from a tree-lined with veins, slowly exhaling oxygen. The perfect instinct of animals. The complete placidity of an ocean breeze coupled with the smell of salt and sand. The lush livelihood of forests given sparse room by the ever-expanding concrete jungle. 

The puzzling characteristic of nature as a whole is some humans' ability to create something completely in tune with it, and others who seem only capable (some even bent on) destroying it. For evidence of this phenomenon, compare Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" to the deafening, intrusive bombast of jackhammers, concrete pavers, and bull-dozers.

Which comforts you?

Which aids in finally falling asleep after hours of endless tossing and turning?

Which complements the world we live in, and which can only defy it?

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