Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Philosophy of Liberty

In the coming weeks, I will write a series of notes concerning a few ideas or policies that are, in my opinion, ruining America. Some are more important than others, but all of them carry some sort of weight in my mind.

To preface this series, I would like to show a video that summarizes my core beliefs concerning the philosophy of politics.

The video is entitled "The Philosophy of Liberty," and it was made by the International Society for Individual Liberty. It's relatively short, and shouldn't take up too much time to view. The video derives its logic from a series of axioms which seem indisputable. If anyone would like to challenge one of the axioms given, please do so, and we can debate the issue.

PS: The music is a bit cheesy, but I'm sure you'll be fine.

So without further ado, here it is.

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