Sunday, December 16, 2007

Islamofascism on the Rise

Currently, controversy entraps the global community in so many areas that its thorns reach into almost every area of society. Probably the most important of these issues—the most dangerous and volatile and capricious of all—seems to pass by the public, completely ignored under the veil of the entrapment of political correctness. This danger lies in the current rise and popularization of true, Salafist interpretation of the Qu’ran.
Every day, a new terrorist attack occurs somewhere in the world, usually in Iraq or Afghanistan, but what news anchors seem to always leave out is the fact that almost every act of terrorism perpetrated on the new, secular nations of the world stems from Islamic “fundamentalism.” While some news programs or (usually) internet blogs may mention this “fundamentalism”, few really understand that while some religions may have a fundamentalist sect in their wide array of denominations, Islam does not. Islam and its adherent only rely on the Qu’ran for their source of morality and religion. No other dogmas. Obviously, the typical Muslim believes the Qu’ran to be the ultimate, final word of God (Allah). Then how could one confuse or reinterpret a Sura like that of Sura 9, part of which states, “Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low;” what amount of confusion could one possibly attain from Sura 9:5, “Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush?” Obviously, most Muslims will not become terrorists, and most probably live normal, decent lives, but how can one label Islam as a “beautiful religion of peace” (quoting George W. Bush), when these type of instructions exist? Where would one assume Osama bin Laden, Ayman Zawahiri, and Mohammed Atta derive their message of murdering those who refuse to submit before Allah?
One of the largest problems about this issue lies in the fact that most of those who live in the Western world could never dream that the Qu’ran could contain such passages, and these same people believe the media, blinded by postmodern, dualistic, political correctness that has pervaded every aspect of life as of late.

One should remain hard-pressed to put forth a rational answer for this dangerous abandonment of reality so loved by those who currently run the world.

At this very moment, those who take this Islamofascist belief seriously overrun previously enlightened, secular countries such as the Netherlands, France, and the United Kingdom. Just two years ago, a Dutch citizen of Moroccan descent and extreme Islamic faith shot, stabbed, and nearly decapitated a Dutch film maker by the name of Theo van Gogh, who had recently co-produced a 10 minute movie which spoke of Islam’s horrific treatment of women, in plain daylight on an open street. The vicious murderer attached a note with a knife plunged in the chest of his victim of a death list of over 50 men and women who had criticized Islam in the past. Most, if not all, of these people still maintain 24 hour surveillance to this very day.

If the intellectual populace of the Western world remains dormant long enough, this threat will overrun them very quickly, and in just a few years, honor killings of this kind should be common everywhere.

If, the Western world remains dormant.

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